Thursday, May 31, 2007

Pepe' My Love

After a rough start, Pepe' & Frisco became the best of friends

My little Pepe'...He was my soul kitty.

This past weekend Pepe', who was an indoor kitty, managed to slip outside for an adventure. He made his way down the end of our street and found himself in an unleashed dog park. Witnesses said he had an encounter with a dog and unfortunately, lost the fight.

He was here such a short time, but had a tremendous impact. He was such a love, so devoted, such a creature of habit. He brought such love and joy into my life and I'm grateful for that. I will miss him dearly...

Wednesday, May 30, 2007

Dumpster Diving

We did it again...

Kathleen, my ever-faithful friend who will do just about anything for the sake of art (well, almost anything...) agreed to go dumpster diving so I could capture the essence of how cigarette cravings make a person crazy.

To prepare for the concept, I did a bit of research on dumpster diving. I was amazed to learn how many websites are dedicated to the "art" of dumpster diving. More than that, I was shocked to learn just how much food and other essential items are tossed away. Palettes and crates of perfectly good food thrown out every day. Meanwhile, the local soup kitchen has a line out the door and kids are going to school without breakfast.

Why is this? Are we too lazy to take our extras to those in need? Is it too much of an inconvenience to take a few moments out of our day to help someone other than ourselves?

I don't want to rant and rave too much on this soap box. Just some thoughts out loud...

Sunday, May 20, 2007

Come on, Make me Laugh

I'm constantly on the search for ads that make me laugh out loud. We're bombarded with such mediocre advertising that it's refreshing to come across something that makes you stop and think - and most important - LAUGH.
Of course, a little bit (or a lot) of naughty humor goes a long way in my opinion...

Love this TV spot...

Truth in Advertising

Guerilla advertising

Wash Your Hands

Axe Shower Gel

(both of these ads can been found at
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